Behind the Vision: Crafting the Future Council

Local Director Damon Gameau (2040, THAT SUGAR FILM) known for his impactful documentaries on social and environmental issues, invites eight children on an epic adventure across Europe in a school bus powered by biofuel. Their mission is to better understand the planet’s predicament, explore solutions and, most importantly, take the conversation from the streets, into the boardrooms of some of the world’s largest polluters and most influential companies.

Damon introduces a novel approach to environmental activism, where children are not just participants but lead impactful discussions with some of the world's most powerful corporate executives. 

The project began with an ambitious global casting call targeting young environmental advocates passionate about making a difference. Over a thousand enthusiastic responses poured in from more than 25 countries, showcasing the global concern and commitment among the youth towards environmental sustainability. The selection process, meticulously orchestrated by casting producer Faye Welborn, aimed to assemble a diverse group that not only shared a common passion for the environment but also brought a wide range of personalities, cultural backgrounds, and unique perspectives. This careful curation was crucial to ensure dynamic interactions and a cohesive group dynamic, essential for the success of the project's ambitious goals.

Central to Damon's project was facilitating direct dialogues between these young activists and senior executives from multinational corporations. This engagement aimed to challenge and perhaps inspire significant changes in corporate environmental policies. Companies like Nestle and ING came forward to participate, marking a significant achievement, given the usual corporate hesitance to engage in potentially sensitive discussions. The children were given the freedom to express their concerns and ask tough questions, leading to some raw and revealing exchanges that underscored the urgency of their concerns about sustainability and corporate responsibility. Despite some companies declining to participate, the engagements that occurred were profound and marked by an earnest exchange of ideas, showing the potential impact of informed, passionate youth on global business practices.

As the dialogues progressed, the idea of a 'Future Council' took shape. This concept was envisioned as a formal body that would enable ongoing advice and feedback from young activists to participating corporations, potentially influencing real-time business decisions. Damon plans to expand this initiative into a global network, providing a structured platform for young voices to be regularly heard by corporate leaders. This council aims to transform how businesses interact with the younger generation, integrating their insights into corporate strategies and sustainability efforts.

This initiative not only highlighted the potential of youth in leading environmental change but also demonstrated the effectiveness of inclusive dialogues in driving corporate and societal shifts towards sustainability. Having just returned from the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA-79) where the children addressed World Leaders the next steps for Damon and his team involve solidifying the Future Council's structure and extending its reach to foster more meaningful interactions across the globe, potentially reshaping the landscape of environmental activism and corporate responsibility through the powerful voices of children.

Heartfelt and often humourous Future Council is also playing at BBFF through our Schools Program.


Meet The Filmmakers - Alan White and Jamie Brisick


Unleashing the Black Dog: Behind-the-Scenes Insights into the Production of the Film